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True Story: My encounter with aghori at Varanasi..

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Varanasi is an ancient city renowned for its religious and spiritual significance. It is one of the oldest cities in India, and it holds a special place in the hearts of many Hindus. One of the most unique aspects of this city is its Aghoris, a sect of Hinduism known for their extreme ascetic practices.

What are Aghoris?

Aghori is one of several sects within Hinduism that follow ascetic practices in order to attain moksha, or liberation from material existence. They are famous for their unconventional practices such as eating from human skulls, drinking alcohol and smoking marijuana, sleeping on corpses, smearing ashes on their bodies and engaging in sexual activities with the dead. These rituals are believed to bring them closer to Shiva, the Hindu god.

My Experience with Aghoris

I had heard much about these mysterious figures but never had an opportunity to meet any until recently when I visited Varanasi. As soon as I arrived at my hotel I was approached by two men who looked like they belonged to this sect. They asked me if I wanted to come with them and witness some of their ceremonies.

“We will take you places where no other person has been before,”, one of them said as he patted me on my shoulder.

“Come along then,”, he said as he grabbed my hand.

The Ceremony:


It was certainly an experience unlike any other – both unsettling yet mesmerizing at the same time . The encounter made me realise how little we know about our own culture , let alone understanding something deeply rooted within faith . In spite of all that , it gave me great insight into what lies beneath this ancient city’s surface – something beyond language or imagination .

About Post Author


Maulik Buch is a mystical researcher and has conducted extensive research on Sanatan Dharma, with his expertise in Rudraksha, Aghor, Tantra, and Vedic rituals . Maulik is an ex journalist and public relations expert and run REOFACTS Media &Com Pvt Ltd.
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