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Who says Aghori Yagna is a history? Checkout the eyewitness account with video clip of the fire ceremony.

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The flames soar, and the Aghoris enter a state of trance, their bodies motionless, their minds journeying through realms unseen.

In the solemn silence of the cremation grounds, where the mortal remains meet their elemental end, the Aghori ascetics gather to perform a ritual steeped in ancient tradition and shrouded in mystique. The Yagna, a fire ceremony of profound spiritual significance, begins as the sun dips below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of twilight.

The Aghori, renunciates who seek liberation through embracing the taboo, are draped in garments that defy conventional norms—some in mere shreds of cloth, others in garlands of bones, symbolizing the transient nature of life. Their bodies smeared with the ash of the departed, they sit in a circle around the sacred fire pit, which is meticulously prepared with wood from the pyres and anointed with ghee, a purified form of butter.

As the first flames flicker to life, the air fills with the potent aroma of burning sandalwood and herbs, each chosen for their purifying properties. The fire crackles, a beacon of light amidst the shadows of the night, and the Aghori begin their chants, deep and resonant, invoking the energies of the universe.

The Yagna is both a tribute and a conduit—a tribute to the cycle of life and death, and a conduit for the Aghori to commune with higher powers. They offer oblations to the fire, each item symbolizing a facet of the material world they renounce, seeking instead the spiritual wealth of enlightenment.

The ceremony is intense, the energy palpable. The Aghori believe that the sacred fire has the power to burn away the veil of illusion, revealing the eternal truth that lies beyond. It is here, at the threshold of the material and the spiritual, that they seek to harness the primal forces of creation and destruction, to attain powers that transcend the ordinary.

As the night deepens, the Yagna reaches its crescendo. The flames soar, and the Aghori enter a state of trance, their bodies motionless, their minds journeying through realms unseen. It is said that in these moments, the Aghori touch the essence of divinity, gaining insights and powers that are beyond the grasp of those bound by worldly chains.

The fire eventually dies down, but the transformation it has wrought is eternal. The Aghori rise, their eyes reflecting a newfound depth, a testament to the profound spiritual journey they have undertaken. The Yagna fire ceremony at the cremation ground is not just a ritual; it is a passage to the sublime, a fierce dance with the divine, a quest for the ultimate liberation.

About Post Author


Maulik Buch is a mystic and paranormal researcher and has conducted extensive research of 27 years meeting aghoris, Kapalik, Naga Sadhus, Tantrik, voodoo masters etc and is blessed, with expertise in Rudraksha, Aghor, Tantra, and Vedic rituals . Maulik is a journalist and communication consultant by profession.
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