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The Most Notable Aghoris of Ancient India

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Aghoris are a sect of ascetics in Hinduism who have achieved spiritual enlightenment through the practice of Hinduism. They are known for their extreme rituals and practices, including living in cemeteries, eating human flesh and drinking alcohol. In ancient India, there were many notable Aghoris who had attained a high level of spiritual knowledge and power.

Virupaksha Baba

Virupaksha Baba was an Aghori monk from South India who lived during the 15th century. He is said to have had miraculous powers, such as being able to levitate and walk on water. He is also known for having cured diseases with a mere glance or touch. He was considered to be one of the most powerful Aghoris in ancient India.


Kanifnath was another famous Aghori monk from North India who lived during the 12th century. He is said to have had supernatural powers that enabled him to travel long distances without food or water. He is also known for his teachings which stressed on meditation and self-realization as ways to reach spiritual perfection.


In ancient India, there were several great Aghori monks whose lives served as examples of dedication and devotion towards achieving spiritual enlightenment. These individuals represent some of the most impressive accomplishments when it comes to reaching higher levels of understanding within Hinduism.

Though these men are no longer with us today, their legacy still lives on through their teachings and stories that continue to inspire people around the world.

About Post Author


Maulik Buch is a mystical researcher and has conducted extensive research on Sanatan Dharma, with his expertise in Rudraksha, Aghor, Tantra, and Vedic rituals . Maulik is an ex journalist and public relations expert and run REOFACTS Media &Com Pvt Ltd.
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