How Aghoris Connect & Contact Souls?

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Maulik Buch is a mystic and paranormal researcher and has conducted extensive research of 27 years meeting aghoris, Kapalik, Naga Sadhus, Tantrik, voodoo masters etc and is blessed, with expertise in Rudraksha, Aghor, Tantra, and Vedic rituals . Maulik is a journalist and communication consultant by profession.


Aghoris are a sect of Hindu ascetics who practice a kind of mysticism that is rooted in the worship of Lord Shiva. They seek to unlock spiritual powers and connect with souls through practices such as meditation, trance dancing, and ritualistic chanting. In this article, we will take a closer look at how Aghoris connect with souls.


What Is Soul?

In Hinduism, the soul is believed to be eternal and unchanging. It is held to be the source of all life, existing beyond physical form and living on even after death. The soul is seen as an individual being within each person’s body and mind which must be nurtured if it is to remain healthy.

The Process Of Connecting To Souls

For Aghoris, connecting with souls involves a number of steps. First, they use meditation techniques to calm their minds and bodies. This allows them to reach a state where they can focus on their spiritual pursuits without external distractions.

Chanting Mantras:

This process begins with chanting mantras or sacred syllables that are believed to have special power over one’s consciousness. These mantras help create an atmosphere conducive for contacting spirits.

Trance Dancing:

After meditating for some time, Aghoris enter into what is known as trance dancing – an ecstatic dance in which one loses awareness of their surroundings in order to become more open to the spirit realm. This form of worship has been practiced by many cultures around the world for centuries.

Rituals & Offerings:

The last step in connecting with souls involves rituals and offerings made by the Aghori practitioner in order to honor the departed spirits or gods that they wish to contact. These offerings may include food items like fruits or flowers as well as incense or other aromatic items.

Why Do Aghoris Connect With Souls?

Aghoris believe that connecting with souls can bring them closer to understanding life’s mysteries and gaining insight into existence itself. By communing with these energies from beyond our physical realm, Aghoris can gain access knowledge which can help them lead more fulfilling lives here on earth.


Connecting with souls through meditation, chanting mantras, trance dancing rituals & offerings requires great dedication from those willing embark on this path towards spiritual enlightenment .It is only through such practices that we come closer in understanding our true nature & purpose here in life . Although challenging ,the rewards gained from connecting deeply with our inner self makes it all worthwhile.

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