The Aghori who use to offer meat to Lord Shiva

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Maulik Buch is a mystic and paranormal researcher and has conducted extensive research of 27 years meeting aghoris, Kapalik, Naga Sadhus, Tantrik, voodoo masters etc and is blessed, with expertise in Rudraksha, Aghor, Tantra, and Vedic rituals . Maulik is a journalist and communication consultant by profession.

The Aghori Sect: Offering Meat to Lord Shiva

The Aghori sect of Hinduism is an ascetic religious order that worships Lord Shiva and offers meat as a sacred offering. While vegetarianism is the norm in Hinduism, the Aghoris believe that offering meat to Lord Shiva will bring them closer to Him and help them achieve spiritual enlightenment. They also believe that by consuming meat they can purify themselves and attain moksha (liberation). Aghoris are known for their extreme practices, which include eating raw flesh from human corpses.

Origin of The Aghori Sect

The origin of the Aghori sect is believed to have started with Baba Kina Ram, who was born in 1795 CE. He belonged to a Brahmin family and was greatly devoted to Lord Shiva. He believed that by offering meat as a sacrifice, he could become more spiritually enlightened and gain moksha (liberation). His teachings were later embraced by other ascetics who followed his path and dedicated their lives to worshipping Lord Shiva.

Aghori Practices

Aghoris practice various forms of worship such as meditation, yoga, chanting mantras, etc. But what sets them apart from other religious orders is their belief in offering meat as a sacrifice to Lord Shiva. They offer raw pieces of flesh from dead bodies or animals such as goats or chickens as offerings. These offerings are then placed on a special altar at the temple dedicated to Lord Shiva where they are offered up in prayers.

Besides offering meat, Aghoris also engage in extreme practices such as drinking alcohol from human skulls and smearing ashes on their bodies during rituals.

Significance Of Offering Meat To Lord Shiva

The significance behind this practice lies in the fact that it helps one connect with the divine energy within oneself while gaining liberation through abstaining from worldly desires. It is believed that consuming non-vegetarian food helps purify oneself which leads one towards self-realization eventually.

Moreover , it is said that when these offerings reach lord shiva , he grants his devotees power over obstacles so they may succeed in life . This ritual also symbolizes how our physical body needs nourishment just like our spirit does . Criticism Of The Practice 

While many Hindus respect the Aghori sect for its devotion towards its faith , there has been some criticism about their practices . Some people feel that consuming animal flesh goes against basic Hindu principles . There have also been reports of cannibalism among some groups of Agorhis which violates social norms . Conclusion   although controversial , the practice of offering meat to lord shiva remains an important part of the beliefs held by some members belonging to the Agorhi sect . It plays an integral role in helping them realize inner peace while attaining spiritual enlightenment even if it goes against traditional Hindu values.

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